FAQ 17: Emergency preparedness

What should I have in an emergency kit for my scleral lenses? Should I wear a medical bracelet?

Everyone should have an emergency kit with them at all times. It should contain basic supplies in the event the lenses need to be removed and reapplied. The kit should contain whatever tools are needed for removing and applying lenses, a lens case, at least one or two vials of PF saline, alcohol wipes to clean the tools, a couple of individual hand wipes in case there is no access for hand washing. If PF artificial tears are typically used, include at least one or two vials of artificial tears. Emergency supplies can be placed in a zip-lock bagging, a small cosmetic bag, or some other type of portable small case or bag.  Wearing a medical bracelet or necklace is a personal choice but it is wise to have a plan in place for how to communicate your medical history to medical personnel in the event you become unconscious or unable to communicate your needs.

There is a free phone App called Medical ID and a person can have it on their homepage. When it's opened, it lists the name and phone number of the doctor with a section to list specific care instructions. Road ID allows medical personnel to access an online account set up by the user to identify emergency information and any care instructions. 

Other medical alert bracelets/necklaces with a website and a reference number that provides all the needed information online are available. Updates for health information, doctor's names, medications, allergies, special instructions, etc. can be done online to keep it current and don't require getting a new bracelet or necklace.  


FAQ 16: Lens wear time


FAQ 18: Manual lens removal skills