Where are you on the scleral lens journey?
Scroll down to find yourself.
Phase 1: “Am I Ready?”
I'm learning
What exactly are sclerals? Who else uses them, and why? What’s involved in this whole process? How do I find a provider?
I'm preparing
I’ve got a provider, but I don’t know what I don’t know. What are the most important questions to ask before I make a commitment?
Phase 2: “The Process”
My provider orders custom sclerals and tries them on me, assesses them, determines any needed modifications, and orders a new set. Hurry up and wait; rinse, repeat as needed.
Meantime, I am also learning how to apply, remove and care for my sclerals, always under supervision. I might need extra sessions and special tools and techniques for lens application.
We’re there! My provider is happy with the fit, I’m happy with my vision and comfort, I have my starter kit and instructions and an emergency contact and I’m taking my sclerals home.
Phase 3: “What’s next?”
Yippee! My final lenses have been dispensed. I am working out my new daily routines. I think I’ve got this, but there are some unexpected hurdles and I have many questions. I go back to my provider for scheduled follow-up.
I’ve nailed all the daily routines and I am feeling like a confident user… um, as long as I never leave home! How do I integrate scleral lenses into my “real” life, work, recreation, even travel?
Detours and dead ends
Uh oh.
Fitting (or training) did not work out.
I’m trying to pick up the pieces.
What happened? Did I choose the wrong provider?
Am I just not a good candidate?
Where do I go from here?