FAQ 2: Rub cleaning

Do I need to use a dedicated rub cleaner before disinfecting my lenses? Do I need to rub lenses that have Hydra-PEG coating?

Rub cleaning is an important step for  proper cleaning of lenses to remove surface debris for optimal disinfection. Lenses coated with Hydra-PEG can be rubbed with a MPS during cleaning, but vigorous rubbing should be avoided. For lenses without Hydra-PEG coating, a dedicated rub cleaner may be used for rub cleaning, such as Lens Fresh or MiraFlow. All cleaning solutions should be rinsed off with PF saline before disinfection. Most people place the lens in the palm of their hand, add a few drops of cleaning solution and rub it thoroughly, but gently, on both sides using the end of a finger.  For lenses that are very steep, a cotton Q-tip or a lens cleaning pad may be used. If a generic cotton swab is used, make sure it is 100% cotton. Many of the cheaper generic swabs contain synthetic material and could cause scratches on the lenses. Ask your practitioner for directions that are safe for your lenses.  

NEVER USE TAP WATER TO RINSE LENSES. Lenses should be rinsed with PF saline after disinfection to remove the chemicals and preservatives when a MPS is used for disinfection. 


FAQ 1: Cleaning & disinfection  


FAQ 3: Lens storage