Introduction to scleral lens application

Is it easy or difficult to learn?

We’re all different.

For some of you, learning to get your scleral lenses onto their eyes correctly is a reasonably easy and intuitive learning process that you more or less master in a week or two.

For other individuals, it can take weeks - even months. This is perfectly normal. However, if the provider’s patient training program is inadequate or, as is also sometimes the case,, nonexistent, lens application challenges can become a dealbreaker for sclerals.


Is it a quick or slow process once I’ve mastered it?

We’re all different.

For some of us, the daily morning scleral lens ritual is pretty quick. For others, it’s a noticeable time investment.


The learning process will probably be different for me if:

  • My hands shake

  • I have low vision

  • I have never worn contacts and I am uncomfortable touching my eyes

  • I have a very strong blink reflex

  • I am extremely anxious

  • I have tight eyelids


Red flags

Scleral lens application is not a skill that should be learned at home. As a matter of safety, supervised training by a skilled provider is essential.


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